You can make this about everyone else and every other circumstance, and it is so easy to do that, but it is 100% about you and how YOU show up’

Every time you look outside yourself and compare, or judge, or use to rationalise or put down, you only hurt yourself. Not saying you all do this, but we all do this at times, and it is likely you have done some of this.

In childhood, we are born deserving of love and desperately need this for our survival. Many people that struggle with drinking sadly never get the love they deserve growing up, leaving them craving for love and attention as they grow up, and yet feeling like they don’t deserve, and even if they are given it they find it hard to accept or receive it. Even going as far as sabotaging relationships that might provide that love to them that they crave.
This then leads into adult life issues and when you do not have self love it can be a driving factor in your desire to drink or do unhealthy activities to escape how you feel about yourself.

Often in intimate relationships there is a Victim & the Rescuer, and these are two of the most destructive roles played in relationships with alcohol involved.

When you get clear and define specifically how YOU believe you ‘should’ show up in your life with people you love and the most important you play, you can finally free your self from one of the most common forms of self sabotage….DRINKING!!!!