I have been teaching this topic this week to my program members so wanted to share as very relevant topic to life, your drinking or your recovery. Often, we ask how an addictive behavior like drinking can sneak up on you, and you wonder how you ever let it get so bad.
Drinking starts innocently enough and, early on, you likely began to associate friends, fun, and freedom with alcohol. Over time it slowly became a key coping mechanism and more and more of a problem. Eventually you might have found yourself drinking most days of the week and in greater quantities, and maybe you even started hiding your drinking from others. If, and when, you decided to quit or change your drinking, you always failed. This is usually where shame, guilt, and embarrassment started playing a bigger role in your life, and you likely added yet another reason to drink—to escape experiencing those painful feelings.
The key to thriving in sobriety is to first identify this cycle. Becoming aware of why you drink, what cycles continue to cause you to drink more often, and the feelings you have around drinking puts you on the path of changing. And most importantly, this awareness will stop you from unknowingly continuing down that “slippery slope.”
I taught my members this week a critical step in taking their life back from alcohol—forgiving themselves and forgiving others. When you finally free yourself from these “balls and chains” you will feel like a 500 kilo weight has been removed from your shoulders. So, get going on forgiveness and creating an abundance of love in your life, it could be one of the greatest action steps for you to create lasting and sustainable change in your life!
Ph: Rachel 02 9016 2839 (24/7 support)
Email: info@Rachelhind.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rachelhindbeyourbestself
Website: www.rachelhind.com