Thought it may be useful to provide some resource suggestions, most of these I have personally read and have used so only recommended good ones. If you also have any other good suggestions please let me know and I will add them to the list. I hope these are helpful!

Books (can be purchased from Amazon or Booktopia)

1. 30 Day Sobriety: Dave Andrews & Jack Canfield (Structured 30d program & action plan)*
2. Kick the Drinking Habit: Jason Vale (Memoir)*
3. The Naked Mind, Control Alcohol: Annie Grace (Scientific based research on impact of alcohol and review of subconscious and conscious mind and beliefs)*
4. Memoirs of an Addicted Brain: Marc Lewis (Neuroscientist looks at impact of drugs/alcohol on brain)*
5. Drinking: A Love Story: Caroline Knapp (Autobiography of a corporate woman addicted to alcohol)*
6. Road to Recovery: Russell Brand (Russell Brand autobiography based on AA 12 steps program)*
7. One year no beer: Andy Ramage & Ruari Fairbarns
8. 12 stupid things that Mess Up Recovery: Allen Berger (memoir)
9. Mrs D is going without: Lota Dann (Memoir)
10. Beyond the Influence: Understanding & Defeating Alcohol: Katherine Ketcham (Scientific work on alcohol)
11. Undrunk: A sceptics guide to AA

Podcasts (Available on Iphone as app)

● The Naked Mind: Annie Grace
● Take a Break from Alcohol: Rachel Hart
● Alcohol and the Addicted Mind: Lee Davy
● Brene Brown: Shame & Vulnerability

Sober Tracking Apps (Time, Money, Calories, Days):

● Nomo
● Sober Tool
*Recommended and have read!!!

Other online communities:

Online communities can provide useful support and inspiration as you read and interact with people who no longer drink. Here are eight online communities dedicated to supporting people who want to stop drinking – explore and few and you will find your niche.
● Annie Grace: The Naked Mind Community
● Hello Sunday Morning
● Daybreak
● One year no Beer
● Living Sober
● Soberista
● Sober Movement
● Sexy Sobriety